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Rabbinic Leadership

Rabbi & Rebbetzin

Rabbi Zev & Rebbetzin Leora Spitz

Rabbi and Rebbetzin Spitz bring a youthful enthusiasm and extensive experience to our shul.  They most recently served as Associate Rabbi  and Rebbetzin at Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto (“The BAYT"), and previously at Young Israel of Holliswood, New York.

With their warm and engaging personalities, along with their leadership abilities, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Spitz bring dedication to learning, programming, counselling and community outreach to Clanton Park.

Contact Information for Rabbi & Rebbetzin Spitz: Click HERE


Assistant Rabbi

Rabbi Yehuda Mann (Sgan Rosh Beit Midrash Zichron Dov)               

Rabbi Yehuda Mann grew up in Ra'anana, Israel, and learned in Chevron Yeshiva. He has the highest rank of semicha given in Israel- to be the Rav of a city. In addition, he has semicha to be a Dayan. He did Shimush (internship) in Gittin at the Jerusalem Beth Din, and in monetary law at the distinguished Beth Din of Rabbi Asher Weiss.

Before coming to Toronto, Rabbi Mann served as Senior Rabbi at the Achdut Yisrael synagogue in Jerusalem, taught in several yeshivot and even gave shiurim on Israeli radio (a shiur that carries on until this very day). 

In addition, Rabbi Mann serves as Sgan Rosh Beit Midrash Zichron Dov and gives many shiurim in the GTA.

Rabbi Mann is married to Shulamit, who worked in Israel as a banker and financial advisor. They have three adorable children: Moshe, Dvora and Michal.

They are all excited and honored to be part of the Clanton Park synagogue.

Rabbis Emeritus 

Rabbi Yitzchok Kerzner Z"L

Rabbi Yehoshua Weber

Board of Directors

Mon, October 21 2024 19 Tishrei 5785