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Beit Midrash Zichron Dov

The Beit Midrash was established a decade ago in memory of Mr. Dov Bill Rubinstein a”h, one of the founding members of Clanton Park Synagogue.

From the very beginning, the Beit Midrash has enjoyed a special relationship with the shul and benefitted from its warm support. One of the avreichim is always assigned specifically to Clanton Park and lives with his family in the neighbourhood. The Beit Midrash provides the shul with a range of services including shiurim, shabbatonim, and one-on-one chavrutot.

YUTM Beit Midrash Zichron Dov is differentiated from other kollelim in the city by its broad reach across the Jewish community, the vibrant contemporaneity and openness of its Torah, and its focus on the religious significance of the State of Israel for the lives of Jews in our time.


Sgan Rosh Beit Midrash, Assistant Rabbi at Clanton Park


Rabbi Alex HechtRabbi Yehuda Mann

Rabbi Yehuda Mann grew up in Ra'anana, Israel. He was a counselor in Bnei Akiva, and he volunteered at the Beit Levinstein Hospital where he taught and set up chavrutot (study sessions) for rehabilitating patients. After high school he learned at the Chevron Yeshiva in Jerusalem, under the guidance of some of the greatest Torah scholars of our time. His Rabbis encouraged him to take the demanding exams of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. After successfully passing twelve tests, he received the highest level of ordination given in Israel – to be a "Rav Ha’Ir" (City Rabbi).

Rabbi Mann then entered the Dayyanut (rabbinical judge) program at The Harry Fischel institute for Rabbis and Rabbinical Judges. He completed the seven-year curriculum and passed the tests of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. For the past few years, Rabbi Mann has been interning in Gittin at the Jerusalem Beth Din, and in monetary law at the distinguished Beth Din of Rabbi Asher Weiss.

Before coming to Toronto, Rabbi Mann served as Senior Rabbi at the Achdut Yisrael synagogue in Jerusalem and taught in several yeshivot. He loves teaching, and held seven weekly classes the week in his community and beyond, including one on Israel Radio.

Rabbi Mann is married to Shulamit, who works as a banker and financial advisor. They have three adorable children: Moshe, Dvora and Michal. They are all excited to join Beit Midrash Zichron Dov, where Rabbi Mann will serve as Sgan Rosh Beit Midrash, and the Clanton Park Synagogue, where he will serve as Rabbinic Assistant.

Mon, October 21 2024 19 Tishrei 5785