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Men's Mikveh

Please note that the men's Mikveh is currently closed due to ongoing construction in the building

The nearest mikveh for men is at Agudath North, 129 McGillivray Ave.: 416 789 5514


The nearest mikvah for women is the Mikvah Tahara of Toronto located at:

694 Sheppard Avenue West
(Sheppard And Allen)
Downsview, ON M3H 2S6

Phone: 416-633-4729

Keilim Mikveh

The Shul's Keilim Mikveh is located downstairs

Members who have a fob can access the mikveh between 7:00am to 10:00pm.  If you do not have a fob please contact the Shul office at or call 416 633 4193 to arrange access.

Fri, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785